Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We're heading for Venus

De de de deeeeeee de de de de deeeeeee.
Well here it is. The countdown has begun, as on Sat, FC United begin their 2nd season. This time in the lofty heights of NWCL 1 (how much better does it sound now that the sponsor has gone?) Just one more friendly to go, then its full steam ahead Barcel...erm St Helen's, as the season kicks off at Knowsley Road at 3pm on Sat.
All the nerves and tension starts now.
Does Margy know his best XI?
Can the team live up to last season?
Can we go straight up again?
Will Nugent shave his head in time for Sat?
These questions and more, will all be answered on Sat.
Will there be any surprises on Sat?
Who knows?
But I know one thing that won't be a surprise. That the lads will be backed by a large following all making as much noise as possible.
And you can't say fairer than that can you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully there will be a proper report on the pies this time!

11:31 pm  

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